
Poland facing tougher COVID-19 curbs as infections rise: PM’s aide

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Poland reported a record 29,978 new daily coronavirus cases on Wednesday as the government prepares to toughen restrictions amid a worsening third wave of the pandemic.

The government ordered theatres, shopping malls, hotels and cinemas to close last week after a rise in cases, fuelled by the more contagious variant first found in Britain.

There have been growing media reports that it will have to bring in more curbs ahead of the busy Easter holidays, usually marked by packed church services and family gatherings in the deeply Catholic country.

“We are waiting for the final data but all indications are that we will have over 29,000 new infections,” Dworczyk told private television broadcaster Polsat News.

That would break the daily record of 27,875 new cases reported in November.

“We cannot remain indifferent to this situation and we will have to take decisions that will be communicated tomorrow,” Dworczyk said. He declined to provide details on the curbs.

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