
Shettima charges spokespersons to bridge information gap 

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The Vice President, Kashim Shettima Tuesday charged spokespersons and image makers to bridge the information gap by providing timely and evidence based information.
Shettima said President Bola Tinubu is an advocate of citizen communication, who believes that Nigerians must, by right and necessity, be well-informed.
Shettima said the policy is the most practical way in dealing with fake news and misinformation.
The vice president spoke in Abuja on Tiesday at the opening of the 1st National Spokespersons Summit, organised by the Nigerian Institute of Public Relations (NIPR) and the Federal Ministry of Information and National Orientation, with the theme, “Change Narrative, Change Society,”
The summit brought together spokespersons from both
the public and private sectors, spanning national and sub-national levels.
Speaking on the “Constructing Narratives Amidst Chaos”, Shettima stressed the power in a single word to either stabilise or disrupt a nation.
He said, “Time and again, His Excellency, President Bola Ahmed Tinubu, has reassured the nation of his belief in citizen communication and engagement.
“He believes that the citizens of Nigeria must, by right and necessity, be well-informed—truthfully, accurately, and in a timely manner. This is the most practical antidote to the waves of partisan and sectional agendas promoted by hacks invested in tearing the nation apart. As experts and professionals, this is an invitation for you to partner with us in crafting the right narratives to change the Nigerian story and reinvent our society.”
The vice president stressed, “In the life of a nation, the power of a single word to stabilise or disrupt cannot be underestimated. “Therefore, it is crucial that as we exchange ideas, as we share knowledge, and as we build relationships, we do so within a framework of order, not chaos.
“This maiden summit of spokespersons arrives as a timely intervention in a world where lies and propaganda vie for dominance amidst the complexities of our daily existence.
“Distinguished ladies and gentlemen, those of us in the public sphere know very well that at some point, falling prey to false narratives and targeted agendas is inescapable.
“These are usually aimed at undermining and misrepresenting one’s ideas or perceptions. The importance of diligent and objective communication is never more evident than when confronted with the deceptive tactics of fake news merchants, those who dedicate their lives to casting shadows on noble efforts and aspirations to inform and enlighten the world.
He therefore charged spokesperson to be the voice of their organisation or principals, which is their unique responsibility.
He added, “You bear the burden of bridging divides, fostering understanding, and inspiring change. Through your commitments and sacrifices, the voices of the misrepresented and the misunderstood are amplified, and the vision of a better tomorrow is brought to fruition.
“The power of the spokesperson comes with great responsibility to communicate with clarity. The evolving global media landscape makes your job more complex than ever before. The rise of social media has not only given birth to a 24/7 news cycle, where information spreads at lightning speed, but it has also stretched your sanity to another dimension. Today, you are not only the spokesperson, a gatekeeper of truth, but also a defender of the public at the mercy of fake news merchants and their impressionable mercenaries.
“Every day, we become further convinced that we can never win the war against misinformation and disinformation unless our responses to them are timely and evidence-based. You don’t need to be reminded that you are a pillar of the nation’s security framework.
“While your combat operations only require your pens and electronic communication devices, the threat you neutralise saves the lives of even our military and para-military operatives fighting a different type of war.
“As experts, there’s not much I can ask of you other than to remind you to always listen and internalise feedback.
” You must engage with people of diverse perspectives, foster dialogues, and build consensus.
“This is a small price to pay for aggregating the needs and expectations of this diverse nation.
“So, always leave a seat empty for any group to join your table and don’t treat anyone as inconsequential because their views don’t align with yours.
“Distinguished ladies and gentlemen, the ultimate wisdom of this gathering lies in its significant investment in national integration through effective communication. When spokespersons from across all platforms, sectors, and industries come together to share best practices, learn from one another, and forge new partnerships, the outcome can only be in the national interest.”
He is of the hope that the summit “will strengthen the enthusiasm of all spokespersons to bridge divides, inspire commitment, and induce actions that drive the change we desire.”
In his remarks, the Minister of Information and National Oreintation, Mohammed Idris stressed the important role of the spokespersons
in shaping perceptions, disseminating accurate information, and fostering
Idris said “Nigeria, a diversely blessed and vibrant country, grapples with the
need to create a cohesive national identity; one that transcends ethnicity,
religion, and political affiliations.
“Crafting a compelling national narrative
becomes paramount as we strive to live up to our vast potential.”
The summit therefore, he said “is a pivotal event aimed at transforming the landscape of
communication in Nigeria.
“The theme of the summit, “Change Narrative,
Change Society,” he said resonates deeply with the challenges facing us as a
He added, “Indeed, the nation’s peace, stability, growth, and development can only
be attained by how we communicate.”
He qas therefore of the hope that the summit  “would facilitate the emergence of a national
consensus for effective communication, based on a collective narrative of
our shared values, regardless of our backgrounds.”
He also reminded his audience that the ministry “will be unveiling the Nigeria Values Charter, which embodies a social contract between the country and its citizens and will serve as a blueprint
and policy for a national value system, defining us as Nigerians and
reinforcing our “

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