
NERC Dissolves Kaduna Disco Board Over N110bn Debt

NERC Dissolves Kaduna Disco Board Over N110bn Debt

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The Nigerian Electricity Regulatory Commission, on Monday,dissolved the board of directors of Kaduna Electricity Distribution Company over the Disco’s inability to pay N110bn debt owed to the Nigeria Electricity Supply Industry.

The dissolution was contained in a regulatory order dated January 1, 2024 and signed by the Chairman and Vice Chairman of NERC, Sanusi Garba and Musiliu Oseni, respectively.

Kaduna Disco is among five Discos that were taken over by their promoters after the core investors were unable to pay back the borrowed funds used to acquire the company during privatisation in 2013.

The firm’s Managing Director  Yusuf Yahaya, had announced his resignation from the company on Saturday.

NeqsSpecng gathered that for a while now, the Kaduna Disco had been facing liquidity challenges, which resulted in the dissolution of its board by NERC as announced by the commission on Monday.

In its order released on Monday, the power sector regulator stated that Kaduna Disco owed N110bn to the Nigerian Bulk Electricity Trade and the Market Operator of the Transmission Company of Nigeria from 2015 till date.

It said the receivership, headed by Afrexim bank, had been given 60 days’ notice to state why its licence should not be cancelled with another 30 days given in July last year.

The commission said the bank requested four to six months to finalise the divestment process and that they could not provide the bank guarantees required to secure KAEDC’s market obligation.

The NERC in its order, therefore stated that the failure of the company to get a new owner to enable it to meet its financial obligations had led to “all directors of KAEDC are hereby removed from office and the board of directors stands dissolved in the exercise of powers vested in the commission by Section 75 of the Electricity Act.”

The commission then appointed Umar Hashidu as the administrator of Kaduna Disco in furtherance to Section 75 of the Electricity Act.

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