
Workers Day: Workers will have more than a minimum wage…Tinubu

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President-elect, Bola Tinubu, has assured workers in the country that they would have more than a minimum wage under his administration. 

Tinubu spoke on the occasion of the workers day. 

He promised to join forces with Nigerian workers to ensure better welfare and working conditions.

The president-elect stated this in a statement which he titled;  President-elect’s solidarity message to Nigerian Workers on International Workers Day.

Tinubu also urged the workers for support for his soon-to-begin administration in fighting poverty, ignorance, disease, disunity, ethnic and religious hate, which he described as “common” enemies.

“Your fight will be my fight because I will always fight for you,” Tinubu said in a statement he signed on Monday to mark Workers’ Day.

Tinubu said his Renewed-Hope Agenda for a better Nigeria was a covenant he was prepared to keep.

 “On this special day, as your president-elect, I extend my hands of friendship to the Nigerian workers through the two central Labour unions — (the) Nigeria Labour Congress and (the) Trade Union Congress.

“In me, you will find a dependable ally and co-labourer in the fight for social and economic justice for all Nigerians, including all the working people.

Your fight will be my fight because I will always fight for you. My plans for better welfare and working conditions are clearly spelt out in my Renewed Hope Agenda for a Better Nigeria. It is a covenant born of conviction and one I am prepared to keep.”


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