The Police in Edo State have released the autopsy of an eight-month pregnant woman, Faith Aigbe, whose corpse was found in the vehicle of Enogie of Uroho, Iguodala Ogieriakhi, on September 10.
The Police spokesperson, Kontongs Bello, said the report showed that Ogieriakhi is not connected to the death.
He said, “He (the suspect) was suspected to have killed his girlfriend who was eight-month pregnant. But after series of investigations and the autopsy from the University of Benin Teaching Hospital (UBTH) reveals the cause of death and was signed by Dr Wilson Akhiwu.
“Today September 22, the Edo State Police Command wishes to inform the public that the autopsy of one Faith Aigbe who died in the house of his boyfriend, Enogie of Uroho, Iguodala Ogieriakhi has been released.
“The autopsy result reads: That the cause of death is Hemorrhage shock, raptured tubal Ectopic gestation with massive Hemoperitoneum. These are the things that the medical personnel said led to her death.
“Based on this report, it shows that the Enogie may not have been culpable of the crime the family of the deceased accused him of committing and the police will consider him for bail.”