
OPINION: Joe Biden – God sent to emancipate and save the world

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The President of the United States of America, Joe Biden is on a divine mission, sent by God, to save the world from imminent collapse and disaster.

He is sent to stand and defend the poor and the rich , the oppressed and other voiceless people of the world.

Because of the divine mandate and mission President Biden is sent to execute, anybody who stand on his way will meet his doomsday.

President Biden is a man of peace, good will and justice for all mankind and not just Americans. That’s why he is the best person chosen to carry out this onerous assignment of saving the world and mankind.

I therefore call on President Biden to earnestly engage in a meaningful dialogue with Russia and China and take the lead in bringing unity and hope for the poor, homeless, displaced, hungry, traumatised, impoverished as well as the rich and affluent people in this universe and save the world from disaster.

I call on him again to seriously engage in meaningful and constructive dialogue with Iran.

God sent him and will be with him in this mission of unifying the world.

President Biden possess and is endowed with the wisdom and courage to do the needful by taking the gauntlet and bold initiative to make the world a better place for mankind. And he should understand that in doing this great assignment, the Almighty God will be with him not only to guard and guide him, but to also direct and protect him at all times.

There’s so much crisis, danger, hunger, anger, poverty, hopelessness, despondency and godlessness in the world that only a God chosen man like him can save the world from precipice and imminent collapse. And God will surely assist him in executing this divine assignment.

I pray that he succeed in this gigantic and world saving project.

Amen !

Sen. Hon. (Dr) Chief Dauzia Loya Etete.

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