
Don’t Panic Your Job is Safe…ALGON national president Aminu Mu’azu Maifata assures Primary school Teachers.

Don’t Panic Your Job is Safe…ALGON national president Aminu Mu’azu Maifata assures Primary school Teachers.

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…meets Hon Minister of State for Education Doctor Yusuf Tanko Sununu.

Prompt and regular payment of salaries, Pension, training and retraining of Primary school Teachers a Top priority says Maifata.

Following the supreme court judgement that granted financial Autonomy to Local governments administration in Nigeria, the National President of Association of local governments in Nigeria ALGON Aminu Mu’azu Maifata has taken a bold step towards restoring the lost glory of basic education in Nigeria


The ALGON president led a high powered delegation of his executive members on a courtesy call to the Hon Minister of State for Education Doctor Yusuf Tanko Sununu in Abuja Thursday.

According to Maifata the visit was to explore ways of partnership with the federal Ministry of Education particularly the office of the Minister of State who is incharge of Basic Education.

He used the opportunity to allays the fear of some primary school teachers on their status in the LG financial Autonomy regime and assured that their is no cause for alarm.

The ALGON national president expressed worried on the deteriorating state of primary school education in Nigeria hence the visit to work out modalities on how to restore the lost glory of basic education in all the 774 LGA’s.

” Some of us are product of public primary school and I’m proud to be one but today we are ashamed to enroll our children in Public primary school I think this has to stop because is our duty to change the narrative and we cannot do it alone without your support.” Aminu Mu’azu.

He emphasized on the need for the federal ministry of education to support them on training and retraining of teachers which according to is paramount in order to have qualify and quality teachers.

Aminu Mu’azu Maifata who is also the chairman of lafia Local government Area of Nasarawa State made a case for the inclusion of local government Chairmen in the designing of policies and programs on Basic Education by the federal ministry of Education as well as collaborate on the provision of school infrastructure to enhance conducive atmosphere for teaching and learning.

” In doing that Hon Minister I want suggest that a proper needs assessment need to be carried out to ensure proper allocation of projects and this will along way to avoid lack of proper planning and implementation of school projects says Aminu.

The Hon Minister of State for Education Doctor Yusuf Tanko Sununu in his respond appreciated the ALGON national president Aminu Mu’azu Maifata for the visit said with the inauguration of Local government financial Autonomy implementation committee by the federal government is a clear indication that President Tinubu is ready make the third tier of government work again.

Doctor Sununu assured that the ministry is ready to work in synergy with ALGON to succeed in changing the fortunes of basic education in Nigeria especially with the new programmes and projects line up for implementation.

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