
UN agency, Al-Habibiyyah Islamic Society launch ramadan campaign to support IDPs

UN agency, Al-Habibiyyah Islamic Society launch ramadan campaign to support IDPs

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UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency, and Al-Habibiyyah Islamic Society have launched Ramadan Campaign to help Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) in Nigeria.

According to UN report, over 3.4 million people are internally displaced in Nigeria, spreading across different regions of northeast, northwest, and northcentral.

Muslims all over the world are expected to commence this year’s Ramadan next week.

Muslims, especially during the ramadan are expected to give Zakat and Sadaqah contributions of at least N1000 to help internally displaced persons (IDPs) in Nigeria.

The UNHCR country Representative in Nigeria, Mohamed M. Malick Fall, who spoke in Abuja at the launch of Ramadan Campaign on collection of  Zakat and Sadaqah, stressed the need to galvanize support for internally displaced persons (IDPs) in Nigeria.
Fall called for a holistic approach to explore other opportunities to support the most vulnerable and internally displaced families affected by the humanitarian crisis in northeast Nigeria.

He said, “In Arabic, the word Zaqat, means growth, praise, betterment, purification. Being the third pillar in Islam, it is understood how important this deed is based on the Islamic Holy scripture the Al-quran. What continues to give me hope is that even though we are faced with the challenges of internal displacement, the willingness and generosity of Nigerians to respond has not wavered. Nigerians, as I know, are people who deeply care and want to support their fellow Nigerians in need. Undoubtedly, Nigeria’s private sector, including citizens, companies and foundations have a crucial role to play in assisting vulnerable internally displaced Nigerian families”.
The UNHCR country Representative in Nigeria, also  highlights the effort made by UNHCR, to assist the vulnerable.
“UNHCR in Nigeria, ensures wellbeing and safeguarding of the basic rights of the IDPs. “We provide core relief items including domestic utensils, dignity kits for women and girls of childbearing age, mosquito nets and clothing when available, these basic items provide much relief and helps restore the dignity for people who have lost everything. Together with our partners, our work extends from emergency relief to longer term assistance and support through access to [protection safety nets programmes, psycho-social counselling and where and when feasible, assist in the safe returns of IDPs”. He said
On his part, the National Chief Imam of Al-Habibiyyah Muslim Community, Imam Fuad Adeyemi, said that they would be cojnting on the kindness of Nigerian Muslim community to support their very own.

“We are pleased to partner with UNHCR to support people forced to flee their homes because of violence and conflict. Our fellow displaced brothers and sisters represent some of the most vulnerable among us. Each contribution of Sadaqah or Zakat, no matter how much or how little, will greatly support IDPs in need with the resources and tools to rebuild their lives.”

The conflict and violence with farmer-herder clashes, and violence inflicted by non-state armed groups has caused mass displacement of Nigerians within the country. As a result, the number of people internally displaced has risen to over 3.4 million, residing across northeast, northwest, and northcentral regions of the country.

“While UNHCR has been at the forefront of this IDP crisis, the increasing number of displaced persons in Nigeria has exacerbated resources.

He therfore said “This Ramadan Campaign celebrates the spirit of faith-based philanthropy, particularly the strength and commitment of Nigeria’s Muslim community. Charity begins at home, and this Ramadan, we hope that the kindness of Nigerian Muslim community can extend to support their very own.”

Funds raised from the campaign will support IDPs with livelihood kits that include farming equipment, small business resources, and trade skills and learning.

Imam of Abuja National Mosque, Imam Dr. Muhammad Kabir Adam, stressed on the need to meet the basic needs of the IDPs.
‘‘the IDPs are in dire needs of so many things, therefore we have to organize them in such a way that the children will go back to school, the other people both men and the women will have other livelihoods. These funds will go a long way to better the lives of these people. Islam called on us to be generous to every human being, so I called on all of us as Muslims as well as Nigerians to come out and donate to this project and make a change in the lives of the IDPs”.
Speaking to the Muslim community, Imam of Apo Legislative Mosque, Sheikh Muhammad Nuru Khalid said,
“ the Muslim community should know that Whoever is helping the IDPs is helping the Muslim ummah to do their job. It is initially our job, not as a religious people only but most importantly as human beings. This is a humanitarian service and we have to be in the forefront of doing it, that is why whoever is doing it, we think is helping us do our job”. He said
This Ramadan Campaign celebrates the spirit of faith-based philanthropy, particularly the strength and commitment of Nigeria’s Muslim community.
In line with its global mandate, UNHCR in Nigeria works to safeguard the rights and well-being of refugees and asylum-seekers, refugee returnees, internally displaced people (IDPs), and stateless men, women and children.

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