
No justification for establishing Naval base in Kano….Victor Attah

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Former Governor Victor Attah on his part said there was no justification or whatsoever for such a project in Kano.

Attah spoke in Abuja on Monday in a joint reaction with the Ijaw leader, Chief Edwin Clark on the decision of the Nigerian Naval authority to establish a Naval base in Kano, a state in the Sahel.

He stressed that even if it was meant for training as the authority would want people to believe, it would still have been better if it was situated in a riverine area for practical purposes. 


He therefore noted that for the sake of justice and equity, the government should rescind such an idea which will take the country to nowhere.


He said, “we would have thought that a naval base is needed in an area to provide security where they are needed. Here we are taking the naval base to Kano and we talk about its only being a training institution. Surely, training goes with practicals. So where are the boats that you are going to have practicals with. If you have had this base in the areas where there is water, you have the naval boats there, the practicals would be carried out easily. I think we should allow logic, rather than sentiment to direct us in the operation of this country. 

“I give you one simple example, in the days of Abacha, my firm was commissioned to design the staff housing for the port authority in Abuja and I asked why is the port authority moving from Lagos to Abuja. Much as I needed the job as I needed the money, I rejected that commission because I did not see the logic for the port authority moving from Lagos to Abuja. 

“I said we should apply simple logic, common sense so that things will go in a manner of justice and equitability otherwise, honestly, we cannot claim to be running a country.” 


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