
Traditionalists marking egungun festival shun face mask, social distancing in Oyo

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Traditionalists in the Ogbomoso area of Oyo State shunned COVID-19 protocols on Saturday as they celebrated the annual outing of an ancient masquerade known as Ajómágbodó.

According to the worshippers in a Facebook Live by BBC Yoruba, Ajómágbodó masquerade is known to sit down while being prayed for. However, it sits on air, hence the name ‘Ajómágbodó,’ meaning, “he who does not sit on mortar.”

In the live coverage, the worshippers were seen flocking around the masquerade who is covered and adorned with different colours of clothes.

The crowd that throng the event mingle freely without wearing face masks, nor did they maintain any form of social distancing as they move from one area of the town to another.

The worshippers are accompanied by drummers who serenade them with cultural tunes as they move joyfully around Ogbomoso town.

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