A 30-year-old mother, Ismuha Ahmed, on Friday prayed a Shari’a court II sitting at Magajin Gari, Kaduna, to grant her custody of her two male children aged six years and seven years.
The complainant, who resides at Kontagora Road, said the children had been under the care of their father, Abdullahi Zakariyya, since their divorce in September 2020.
“I also want court to assist me retrieve the money he is owing me, a total of N27,000,” she said.
On his part, the defendant acknowledged the debt he owed and said he would pay her in installments of N5,000 monthly.
He, however, stated that Ahmed, his former wife, had shown no interest in the children since their divorce and as such had no right to seek for custody.
The judge, Malam Murtala Nasir, adjourned the matter to July 15, for ruling.