
NIHOTOUR to reverse neglect of youths in tourism

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The National Institute for Hospitality and Tourism (NIHOTOUR) on Wednesday declared its readiness to reverse the trend on the neglect of youths in national tourism development programmes.

The Director General, NIHOTOUR, Alhaji Nura Sani Kangiwa, disclosed this when he received in audience, members of the National Executive Council of Youth Tourism Development Organization-Nigeria (YTDONigeria) led by its President, Comrd. Emmanuel Okon.

Kangiwa said the institute will reverse the trend through value reorientation of the significance of tourism as a veritable tool for poverty alleviation, youth empowerment and job creations in line with the strong values the present administration attaches to tourism and youth matters.

While he wished YTDONigeria resounding successes in its laudable youth tourism promotion activities, Kangiwa promised to offer the necessary support of the Institute to the organization in human capacity development and in sundry programs such as the research project the Institute is currently partnering with the National Bureau of Statistics (NBS) to have an information database for the Nigerian travel- tourism and hospitality industry, urging YTDONigeria to come on board for overall good of the industry.

Earlier in his address, Comrade Emmanuel Okon said they were on the courtesy visit to formally congratulate Nura Kangiwa on his appointment and assumption of office as Director General of NIHOTOUR and to solicit for the support of the Institute in the programs and activities of the organization.

Comrade Okon who stated that Kangiwa’s appointment was apt and timely, said he has total confidence on the Director General to make a remarkable difference at NIHOTOUR in view of his pedigree in the nation’s tourism industry in the several decades that he knew him as a man with passion for everything tourism.

He then disclosed Nura Kangiwa’s appointment as Patron of the YTDONigeria, stating that arrangements have been made to formally confer on him the patronship at an elaborate ceremony to be held soon.

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