
Greenfield University: Don’t kill the remaining students, PTA begs Abductors

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The national leadership of the Parents Teachers Association (PTA) on Tuesday appealed to abductors of the 17 students of the Greenfield University, Kaduna not to carry out their threat to kill them.

The abductors had on Monday in an interview with VOA Hausa demanded N100 million and 10 new motorcycles as a ransom for the release of the students, threatening to kill them should if the demands were not met by the government and parents of the students.

National President of PTA, Haruna Danjuma, said there was tension and fear among parents and concerned citizens over threats by the bandits.

According to him: “We were shocked and not happy with that statement on the radio that all our remaining Greenfield students would be killed by bandits if N100 million and 10 motorcycles were not given to them today, Tuesday.

‘We are simply begging them not to kill any other student because they are innocents.

‘The deadline is really worrisome and we as parents are all concerned and worried over the lives of our students and teachers of the Greenfield University.”

Twenty-nine out of the 39 students of the College of Forestry Mechanisation, Afaka, Kaduna kidnapped on March 11 are still in captivity after the release of 10 of them.

Parents of the Afaka students on Tuesday took their protest to the National Assembly to demand the immediate rescue of their children.

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