
EU calls for stronger action against terrorism

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…says its working with Nigeria to address challenges

The country security situation calls for stronger action and diverse solutions, the European Union has said.

The EU head of delegation to Nigeria and West Africa, Mr. Ketil  Karlsen said this on Thursday while briefing the media ahead of Europe Day 2021 expressed concern over the turn of events in the country.

Karlsen however said, the EU is working with the Nigeria authorities to bring an end to the security challenges across the country.

He said furtehr that EU is supporting government’s effoerts to fight terrorism radicalization and violent extremism as well as the reform of criminal justice system.

He added, “we have seen the deterioration of security of all citizens of this country. This is recognised by the government, the National Assembly and it is recognised by the Civil Society Organisations and also the international community in general and the EU in particular.

“The North East is of course a case in point. We are looking at an approach to the crises well beyond the decade- twelve years and counting and it is impacting on too many people and recent clashes have demonstrated that stronger and more comprehensive response is needed. Combining of course military action but also providing access to justice and opportunity of  return to normalcy through integration programmes such as safe return corridors. I am thinking of a political solution as well and I know, this I know is necessary.”

He said the EU also took note of crises in other parts of the country like in the North WEst where we have the herders and farmers clashes, armed banditry, cattle rustling and kidnapping , including most sadly the kidnapping of school children.

The EU, he said, is taking the initiative to mobilise the international community in the North West and we have brought together our key partners including the United Nation on what can be done to assist the situation.

In the middle belt we have seen the upsurge of violence as well. The EU supports the national livestock programme.

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