
Alumni of association of national institute celebrates Eyitayo, ICAN President

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The election of Mrs Comfort Olujumoke Eyitayo as the 57th President of the apex accounting profession in Nigeria, the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Nigeria (ICAN) has been described as historic and momentous event for ICAN, Alumni Association of the National Institute (AANI) and Nigeria.

AANI National President, IGP MD Abubakar (rtd) stated this in his ccongratulatory message on Eyitayo’s election. The message was contained in a press statement signed by Brigadier General Sani Kukasheka (rtd),
AANI National Publicity Secretary.

AANI president said he is very proud of her and this outstanding achievement.

“Her election will no doubt serves as a source of inspiration for the rest of Africa and humanity and looks forward to further reinforcing and diversifying AANI’s long-standing partnership with ICAN” he said.

He also said that her election into the exalted office was not surprising, given her antecedents, incredible depth of experience as a chartered accountant and immense contribution to the accounting profession in Nigeria and beyond. Above all, he noted that she had been one of the most outstanding AANI members that earned her tremendous goodwill and followership.

He also stated that she has served as ICAN Vice President and has served on many ICAN committees at various points of her impeccable career, entrepreneurship and service to humanity.

The AANI President added that over time, both ICAN and AANI share a special bond of friendship and cooperation which needs to be sustained and improved upon.

As AANI look forward to her formal confirmation, investiture and decoration with the symbol of office in June this year, he expressed the desire to work with her to deepen the relationship between both organisations in their concerted efforts towards a better society in Nigeria.

He further assures of AANI’s continuous support and collaboration in that regard.
He hoped that, under her stewardship, both association’s long-standing relationship would continue to blossom, adding that AANI would continue to strengthen its ties with ICAN, especially during these challenging times of the COVID 19 pandemic. He also assures the new ICAN President of his support and commitment to ensure her success as one of the most outstanding ICAN’s President in Nigeria.

Additionally, the President has also directed that a committee be set up to work out modalities to celebrate her and other AANI members promoted after her formal inauguration and investiture.

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