
Leaders should have foresight empathy and courage

Leaders should have foresight empathy and courage

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By Emmanuel Abi Couson








Leaders should have skill and foresight, empathy, courage, and character which are Imperatives for modern leadership.

The chief press secretary to the governor of Kwara State Rafiu Ajakaye disclosed this at the Leadership Summit of the Postgraduate Students Association (POGSASS) University of Ilorin recently.

Speaking on topic: Empowering the future: leadership in a dynamic world he noted that leadership is undergoing a profound transformation, shaped by technological advancements.

And it has led to the rise of the new media, leading to an increasingly interconnected global society, sharp demographic shifts, and generation gaps, he said.

‘ I want to explore the essential qualities that modern leaders must embody — education, empathy, courage, and character — and how these traits are critical in delivering governmental obligations to the largest majority”

Identifying what he termed the role of digital naturals, he said “we are witnessing the emergence of a new generation known as “digital naturals.” These are individuals who have grown up in a world saturated with digital technology. For them, the internet is not just a tool but a fundamental part of their daily existence. This shift presents both challenges and opportunities for leadership. On one hand, digital naturals are highly adept at using technology to drive innovation and change”

‘ On the other hand, they demand transparency, accountability, and authenticity from their leaders. This has sparked what is known as increased stakeholders’ activism, an example of which is the current national debate over proposed nationwide protests. This is an issue that took off from conversations on the social media among the digital natives, an influential subset of the digital naturals” He said.

“To engage this generation, leaders must be digitally literate, understanding not just the tools but the ethos of the digital age and issues that are of concern to them. This is particularly true as these digital natives or persons in their 20s or early 30s constitute nearly two-thirds of our population and are increasingly critical in the decision-making process of not just Nigeria but of the world. In no time, this cohort is fast redesigning the political map of the world”

He said the rise of “the new media has revolutionised how information is disseminated and consumed. Social media platforms, blogs, and online news outlets have democratised information, giving voice to millions who were previously unheard and promoting improved openness and accountability”

“While this has empowered individuals, it has also led to a fragmented media landscape where misinformation can spread rapidly”

The CPS said “leaders today must navigate this complex terrain with skill and foresight. This means not only engaging with the new media but also promoting media literacy and critical thinking among the populace. In doing so, we can foster an informed citizenry capable of making sound decisions”

According to him ” this, in summary, means that leaders cannot be tired of explaining their actions and activities in different ways or strategies that suit the condition of their people or intentionally designed to change their orientation. The rise of the digital naturals and the democratisation of the media space represent a major challenge to any leader in this age, and they must embrace it accordingly”

Continuing, Rafiu said the world we live in “is more interconnected than ever before, and decisions made in one part of the globe can have far-reaching consequences. This complexity requires leaders to be not just knowledgeable but also wise. Decision-making today involves navigating a web of social, political, economic, and environmental factors. Leaders must, therefore, be adept at synthesising information from diverse sources and perspectives, balancing short-term needs with long-term goals. In this context, the ability to think critically and act decisively is invaluable”

He disclosed that “decision making is not a walk in the park. It is a rigorous process that often determines the place of a leader among their people and the future of the nation”

“In May 1953, an American exchange student asked Winston Churchill how one might prepare to meet the challenges of leadership. Churchill retorted: ‘Study history. Study history. In history lies all the secrets of state craft”

“Our leaders are not only caught in the dynamics of history, such as dealing with a new generation of citizens with widely different perspectives on leadership and accountability, but they are at the same time hemmed in by constraints of resources just as they perpetually operate in scarcity”

He stated that “leaders must invoke two major underlying values of the natural aristocrats, which Thomas Jefferson identified as the ‘merging of talents and virtues’. As Henry Kissinger observed in Leadership: Six Studies in World Strategy, the political elite must combine education (not limited to what is learned in the four-walled classroom) and character to make any meaningful difference in public service. He added: “And since character is essential, a deeper conception of meritocratic leadership would also embrace the definition of virtue provided by the political scientist James Q. Wilson, who said that ‘habits of moderate action; more specifically, acting with due restraint on one’s impulses, due regard for the rights of others, and reasonable concern for distant consequences’. From youth to old age, the sheer centrality of character — that most indispensable of qualities — is an unending challenge, to leaders no less than to students of leadership. Good character does not assure worldly success, or triumph in statecraft, but it does provide firm grounding in victory and consolation in failure.”

leaders are also required to gauge the mood of their people, understand their journey and aspirations, and act to promote their interests within the bounds of two overlapping philosophies of leadership decision making: the logic of appropriateness and the logic of consequences.

“They must also be schooled in the logic of similarity (empathy), which is purely about sharing the emotions of the next person, and the logic of cost and benefits (which is purely devoid of emotions) in their journey. This allows them to be balance, nuanced, and dynamic in their actions as leaders of a complex society. But again, leaders are faced with thorny issues of moral dilemmas and the question of dirty hands — all within the scope of them wanting to serve their people as they know best”

“In this dynamic world, the qualities of empathy, courage, and character are not just desirable; they are imperative. Empathy enables leaders to understand and resonate with the needs and aspirations of their people. It fosters a sense of community and trust, essential for cohesive governance. Courage is needed to make tough decisions, especially when they are unpopular but necessary for the greater good. This courage must be tempered with humility and a willingness to admit mistakes and learn from them”

In other words, leaders in this age should have the capacity to understand the situation in which their societies found themselves, an ability to devise a strategy to manage the present and shape the future, a skill in moving their societies toward elevated purposes, and a readiness to rectify shortcomings.

Character is the bedrock of leadership and it encompasses integrity, honesty, and a commitment to ethical principles. In an era where leaders are constantly under scrutiny, character ensures that they act in the best interest of the public, not just for short-term gains, social media validations, or personal benefit.

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